Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Everyone Wants To Go To Heaven Nobody Wants To Go Today

That title is actually the title to one of Kenny Chesney's new song. I heard it for the first time yesterday. I do not know how long it has been playing, I do not listen to the radio much when I am driving I'm usually in deep thought about a brick plant. Any way it reminded me of a conversation my dad and I had when I was 19 or 20 years old. My Grandmother always would say we need to pray for Jesus to come back. After that statement one day I was working in the yard with dad and I said, Dad I am ready to go to Heaven but I want to live first. Dad said nothing for a few minutes and his silence told me not to say any thing else. After a few minutes he stop what he was doing looked at me and with a very serious voice said "Son that is very selfish of you." I will never know what dad was thinking that evening but I know exactly what he meant if that makes any sense. I wanted a wife and little did he know I already had one pick out. I wanted kids and to watch them grow up. I wanted to see what kind of career I would end up with. I have been blessed with all of these and so much more. I don't think I was wrong in any way for wanting these things and I do know I did not achieve any of them. They were all given to me by God. Now at the age of 33 I am all about going to Heaven and the sooner the better. No more pain, no more sorrow, only tears of joy! What A Day That Will Be to use another song title. I like that one better.


Flo and Grace said...

I had a very similar experience I'm on the same boat you are. : )

So I guess I'll check in with you next week for another weekly blog!

Keri said...

Just 33! Poor baby. Hope you have a great Birthday today.